The Columbia River Valley is so beautiful. Lucky for us that the Oregon Trail provided a path for the Historic Columbia River Highway. Our first stop on the highway was Chanticleer Point where Mark and Catie were acting....well, normal for them !(4) They were actually getting a far off view of Vista House, a vintage rest stop.(5)
Back on the road we stopped at numerous waterfalls(did I mention that I love waterfalls!!). I caught a "cutie" Catie at Horsetail Falls.(6)
We stopped at the Bonneville Dam for a look at the dam and their fish ladder(helps the salmon swim upstream to breed).(7)
We saw Mt Hood from so far away, that we had taken dozens of pictures before we got the really close up views!(8) Awesome!!
Does anyone remember the movie"The Shining"? It was shot at the historic Timberline Lodge at Mt Hood.(1) They have one room that is requested more than any other. (2)Catie caught Mark and I enjoying the great Arts and Crafts interior of the lodge!(3)
When I stayed at Timberline I was surprise how small the inside was. The movie only took exterior shots. The interior was shot somewhere else. I was also disappointed there was no hedge maze, only an asphalt parking lot.
Hey, I had been there to all of those pictures. Boy, these pictures looked LOT better than mine - it was snowing in Timbeline, also it was whiteout at Mt.Hood (I had never saw it, boo, hoo!!!) Many years later, I went to Columbia River Gorge (on my own), it was cloudy and cool, not bad...
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