That completed, we were on our way to Lake Superior Provincial Park on the east side of Lake Superior and the Agawa Bay campground. Our campsite was just feet away from the shoreline, giving us a beautiful view of the ocean-like lake.(Lake Superior is 350 miles long and 150 miles wide). We had amazing sunsets!
We had a breathtaking hike on the Sand River Trail. There were a series of waterfalls and cascades over a 3 mile area.
We also hiked to the edge of the lake and viewed the Agawa pictographs, as well as hiking to Orphan Lake with views of Lake Superior beyond.
We did miss having fireworks on the Fourth, but would not have traded the sites we saw.
Why is it every time I see a picture of Mark he's relaxing in a chair. What do you think this a vacation or something?
Jan, Are you doing all the work while Mark is relaxing??? Tell him to get up out of his chair and HELP!!! Have Fun! The pictures are great. Keep them coming!
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