We are now on the Gunflint trail in Minnesota. Took it easy after arrival and just set up camp and sit and read until dinner time. Went down the road to a lodge and had a great dinner with a nice view of Gunflint Lake. We plan to do some hiking tomorrow, weather permitting. The only real problem we have encountered so far on this trip is the national bird of Canada and the state bird of Minnesota..mosquitoes! Thank goodness for Deep Woods Off!!
Last night just before we turned in for the night we went out to check out the stars. Sunset here is around 10:30pm. The stars were brilliant! There is virtually no light pollution here so the starlight is almost blinding. While we were stargazing a small fox crossed our campsite. THIS IS CAMPING!
That fox's eyes look a little familiar....like a distant relative of Sparky.
I love the fox!!
Peter and I just returned from hiking Mt. kathadin and saw a Moose before we even started! Peter was a little excited.
(He thinks he's the crocadile hunter!)
Your pictures look amazing, cant wait to see more!
I hope you hid your stash before the border crossing. I don't know of a more suspicious looking character than Mark. I remember Jeff got searched once so there is that family resemblance.
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